Spreading the living fire
Discipleship is a lifestyle
Jesus Christ is who it's all about. He disserves all our attention, worship and praise. Worship Jesus Christ with us through music, art, dance or media.
How can you hear of Jesus Christ if no one tells you about Him? Reach out to those around you and spread the living fire.
Becoming more like Jesus Christ, while you share your live with others so that they become more like Him too. Disciple others with us!
Giving worship to God through instructing the Bible. Educating others with talks, sermons, teachings or just simply studying the Word.
Building Gods Kingdom together

Building God's Kingdom is not something you do alone, you do it together! Paul writes in his letter to Timothy the following: "You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. (2 Tim. 2:2 NLT) This is what discipleship is about. Putting God first in everything we do together. See how you can be part in building God's Kingdom in the Czech Republic.
Upcoming events

Turn the tables

Praying on a Hill

Mary did you know…

The old lady on the bench

The sleeping princess