CZ Alive is fully dependent on partners. People who stand beside us in prayer and finances. People who are involved in the ministry, and find it important that the love of Jesus Christ is brought where it is least visible. Read more about how you can become a partner of the ministry below.

"So we ourselves should support them so that we can be their partners as they teach the truth."
Prayer and intercession are extremely powerful and much needed to do missions work. You may not know us personally, but you can still mean something important. Will you pray with us?
Some people become missionaries, others have the opportunity to be financially involved in missions. Scroll or swipe down and become a financial partner.
If you want to do more than just prayer and giving, going is the option for you. Become a team member of CZ Alive. and build God's Kingdom in the Czech Republic. Contact us for more information.
CAMA missions
CZ Alive. is made possible by CAMA missions. Financial partnership therefore runs through them. You can transfer your gift using the form below. If you prefer to make your (regular) donation yourself, please do so on IBAN NL76 ABNA 0484 6740 48, CAMA zending in Driebergen stating CZ ALIVE.
Partner with us
Fill out the form below and become a financial partner. Help build God's Kingdom in the Czech Republic!
For more information or questions, email