School Of Discipleship

Centred around seeking Jesus Christ you will gather one weekend per month at The House Of Fire in Ceske Budejovice. The place where worship and devotion are central to our mission. Immerse yourself in a life of prayer and discover your unique gifts and talents through this one-year School Of Discipleship. Are you ready for intense personal growth and sacrificial giving within a community that values being honest, open, and transparent? Come and experience discipleship, dig deeper in the word of God and grow in your Bible knowledge. Sign up so you can serve your local church even better than before! 

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What to expect

  • Jesus centred
  • Bible based
  • Fully English program
  • Guided by the Holy Spirit
  • Expand your Bible knowledge
  • Serve each other
  • Dare to be real
  • Learn how to apply
  • Dedicated teachers
  • Become a powerful image bearer of Christ


  • Identity in Christ
  • Introduction in Hermeneutics
  • Worship & Prayer
  • The Gospels
  • Jesus in the New Testament
  • Jesus in the Old Testament
  • The work of the cross
  • The Holy Spirit
  • The fear of the Lord
  • Disciple Making


  • 10 weekends
  • Friday to Sunday
  • Full pension included
  • Practical-Theoretical lessons
  • Study material provided
  • Free resources available
  • Only 12 spots available
  • Monthly contribution 900CZK
  • Start September 13th
  • Registration ends August 20th


The School Of Discipleship seeks to equip those who hunger and thirst for more of Jesus. Those who are ready to step out of their comfort zone and want to see personal growth. Serving one another is one of the most important Christian principles and for this reason, there will be a high focus on serving your local church body. This is where you, as a student, have been placed to make a difference.

The School Of Discipleship is there to equip and encourage you to serve from the right motive and for the right reason. Let your local pastor know that you signed up so potential home assignments can be done in your local church, and they will reap the benefits as well as you do. "Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other" (Rom 12:10).

Staff and teachers


Robbert and Rianne Sinon will be your hosts and teachers, alongside them you will be taught by national and international, pastors, teachers, and ministers.

Robbert and Rianne are the founders of CZ Alive and minister in both the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. As missionaries with the Christian and Missionary Alliance, solid teaching is what you may expect. Their passion for Jesus is contagious and as such you will be set on Fire for His Kingdom. 

"I know Robbert Sinon as a dedicated, direct servant of God. With his life, he clearly shows who he believes and whom he follows. I am convinced that the School of Discipleship will be a necessary and beneficial experience for you on your journey with the Lord."
Vladimír Kocman, pastor Church of Faith, Ceske Budejovice.

Register here!

The School Of Discipleship starts on September 13th 2024 and ends in June 2025. Contribution is set at 900CZK and will be charged monthly. Registration is required and can be done until August 20th 2024 The School Of Discipleship is located at the CZ Alive, House Of Fire on Puchmajerova 2, Ceske Budejovice. 

For special inquiries, please send an e-mail to 

Online you can test your English level for free.