
To do and teach is what Jesus did according to Luke in Acts 1:1. Following Jesus we not only do but also teach. Especially in this day and age, where there is a high demand for clear, directional, biblical teaching. Whether it is during a church service, a Christian event, home group, or Bible study, we would love to serve you. Contact us to inquire about the possibilities. Take a look at the School of Discipleship if you want personal in depth education. 

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School Of Discipleship
Paul encourages Timothy with the following;
1 Timothy 4:13

Until I get there, focus on reading the Scriptures to the church, encouraging the believers, and teaching them. 

Teaching them

The Bible is the most-read book on earth. Unfortunately for many people, it's also a difficult book to understand. To dive deeper into God's word, we offer a free course on how to read and interpret the Bible. This is also referred to as hermeneutics. In ten lessons, we introduce you to the field of hermeneutics and teach you how to interpret the Bible as intended. The course is online so you can enroll at any moment.

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