Intensive Discipleship

Are you ready for the challenge?
Exclusively for men, brothers, friends, or fathers with sons or daughters. One day in which we set out together to work on our relationship with Jesus. Going deeper in being a disciple of Jesus Christ and getting to know yourself on the next level. During the I.D. we will hike through the Czech nature, God's beautiful creation. To discover what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The distance we will cover depends on your physical condition and your willpower to keep going. Check out the video below for an impression. 

Sign up

7 challenges

During the ID you will undergo 7 challenges. Challenges to reflect, set your gaze upon God and perhaps make choices that you have never made before. We will talk about your relationship with God, your identity in Jesus Christ, and your personal struggles. “Who am I as a disciple of Jesus?” and “How do I act on what I read in the Bible?” are questions that might be discussed. Topics such as confidence, courage, and perseverance will certainly be talked about, and serve to build your character. Are you the man God wants you to be? Sign up if you want to go deeper into your relationship with Jesus Christ.


Exclusively for men, fathers with their son(s) or daughter(s), who are looking for a deeper relationship with God and each other and who are not afraid to get dirty.


Small-scale, intimate, and physically challenging. The HOT principle (Honest, Open, and Transparent) is central, the Bible is the foundation and you are the subject.


Somewhere in the Czech wilderness, at a time that suits you. The distance remains unknown until you have completed the journey.

you will go with...


Robbert Sinon: "I would love to take you on a hike through God's wonderful creation. For me, it's a perfect place to reflect, talk and come to new insights. My heart is to rise up men who are following God with all they have. Becoming stronger in faith and  ready for the battle!"

With a decade of experience in law enforcement, undercover work, and crisis communication, Robbert is the right one to get you out of your comfort zone into a deeper life with Christ.

Sign up?

The Intensive Discipleship is offered free of charge to residents of the Czech Republic. Sign up by filling in the form. The ID can be run all year round.

Proper equipment is essential to successfully complete the Intensive Discipleship.  Don't think that you need a lot of gear, this is not the case. Do you have good hiking shoes and sportswear? Then you're already halfway there. Click below for an exemplary Packing list.

If you would like to receive more information, please send an e-mail to or ask your question via one of the CZ Alive. socials.

Packing list
Important information
Online you can test your English level for free.